Pre-Purim Round Up

At TCF, 2023 brought with it a renewed energy for fundraisers to gather their troops and start off the new year on the right foot.  Funds were created for yeshivos, schools, chesed organizations, and individuals in great need.  And as we move closer to Purim and Pesach, faithful TCF fundraisers have started launching appeals for matanos la’evyonim and kimcha d’pischa.

TCF is proud to provide an avenue for all facets of the Jewish world to prepare themselves for the coming year.  We’d like to take the opportunity to thank the fundraisers who have put their trust in our platform, and fill our efforts with meaning and purpose.

Below is a short list of some of the most successful campaigns from January and February.  Let’s jump right in!

*January Campaigns*


Our list starts with a veteran name of American Jewry that is a newcomer to TCF – Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Baltimore.  Their 89th annual dinner campaign was put together to honor Torah and Chesed within the Persian Jewish community.  With an innovative page, nearly 100 teams, and a powerhouse team of strategists and askanim, they  raised well over $2 million dollars.  morai v’rabbosai, welcome aboard!
With this year’s capital campaign, Yeshiva High School of Cleveland established itself as a real force in the fundraising world.  YHSC’s approach to chinuch takes age-old primers of education and adds love, care, and empathy to the mix.  An active and responsible staff pulled out all the stops for this campaign, and brought it over $600k.  Truly groundbreaking!
There are a lot of ways to fundraise, and simply put, Kollel Ateres Ami did it the right way! 36 hours straight, 3x matching, and a super interesting rock-climbing incentive – their “shteiging together” campaign had it all.  And to no one’s surprise, they smashed their $330k goal, and made it to nearly $400k!  Great work, rockstars!
Another great institution in the Baltimore area, Yeshiva Gedolah Ohr HaTorah, made an indelible impression with its “Radiating Torah” campaign.  Under the leadership of Rabbi Dovid Hoffman and Rabbi Moshe Aharon Rosenbaum, Ohr Hatorah has become an established makom torah over the past 10 years.  Boasting a dozen corporate sponsors, a multi-tiered range of pre-set donation options, and a stunning page, they managed to bring in over $300k.  Let the light shine!
Yeshivas Toras Dovid of Monsey graced TCF this month with their “Reaching Higher” campaign.  Toras Dovid has established itself as a vibrant makom torah.  Its mission is to “support and educate Baalei teshuva to successfully deepen their observance.”  They brought aboard supportive sponsors, interactive graphics, and a dedicated list of 150 (!) teams and subteams, and it paid off with $200k in donations.  Great job!
For those who haven’t heard of them, Brooklyn’s Big Yellow House has been described as “an after-school chill house where kids can eat a good home cooked meal, do their homework and just talk it all out.”  TCF was honored to host their “No Place Like Home” campaign, which managed to bring in close to $1 million earmarked for  “playing offense” in the game of saving the youth of k’lal yisroel.  What a z’chus!

*February Campaigns*


Often, TCF fundraisers run what we call a “hybrid campaign” – an online fundraising effort that culminates with a live event.  The North Miami Beach Kollel did just this with their “Make an Impact” campaign, which ended with a spectacular event featuring guest speakers, amazing spirit, and live performance by Beri Weber.
TCF CEO Yoshi Falber and head strategist Simcha Rosenblum headed down to Miami to be there for this amazing night.  With 60 teams on their side, they managed to reach out to over 1000 donors and bring in over $1 million.  Impact made!
Another hybrid campaign entitled “A Bridge To Eternity” came from BHMB – The Beis Hamedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore.  Ending in a Siyum Hashas and Chanukas Beis Hamedrash, the campaign was a community effort to reflect and celebrate, while remembering the legacy of HaRav Zvi Dov Slanger.  With a truly elegant page layout, BHMB brought it well over $1 million. 
A TCF veteran stepped forward again, also ending their campaign with an amazing live event.  Project Inspires “Champions of Inspiration” gave everyone an opportunity to recognize and thank the hard-working and dedicated workers of Project Inspire, and their faithful supporters, which have enabled thousands of formerly apathetic men and women to increase their desire and commitment to live Jewish-centered lives.  They managed to collect $500k.  Truly inspiring!
Some campaign pages just make you stop and look again, either because of the inspiring cause described therein, or the sheer beauty of the page.  This month’s campaign for Partners in Torah of Cleveland had both!  Partners in Torah is forerunner in bringing Torah education to every corner of the globe.  This engaging page drove nearly $300k in donations, and ensured the continuation of this vital program.  Great job!
For those who haven’t heard of them, Brooklyn’s Big Yellow House has been described as “an after-school chill house where kids can eat a good home cooked meal, do their homework and just talk it all out.”  TCF was honored to host their “No Place Like Home” campaign, which managed to bring in close to $1 million earmarked for  “playing offense” in the game of saving the youth of k’lal yisroel.  What a z’chus!

Our last notable campaign speaks to the heart of what TCF is about.  The shattering news of a horrible terror attack in Jerusalem.  The grieving families.  The loss of two pure innocent children instantly, with their father left fighting for his life. 

And, almost overnight, the creation of a TCF fund.  People rallied together on behalf of the Paley Family, to bring comfort and to provide for their future.  As of this writing, the campaign has raised $250k, and it is our prayer that this should provide an iluy neshama to lost souls of the Paley family.