This month marked the culmination of the Jewish holidays, a month where traditionally many families encounter increased financial hardship – and many donors are inspired to give, in order to merit a sweet new year.
It comes as no surprise that many successful campaigns were run on the Chesed Fund this month, culminating in millions of dollars that went towards feeding and clothing the poor, supporting those less fortunate, furthering Jewish education, dedicating sefer torahs, and more.
Below is a selection of some of the successful causes that were run this month on The Chesed Fund. We are grateful for their trust in our platform and for our ability to be part of their fundraising success.
Here are some notable campaigns that we ran in the past month.

In the world of truly selfless giving, Chicago Chesed Fund (CCF) is a powerhouse. No community need is too large (or small), and CCF lets everyone know they are there to help. With a beautiful page layout, and endless motivation, they managed to inspire over 1000 donors to bring in well over $2 million — one of our most successful campaigns to date. Great job!