November Spotlight

Back into the swing of the school year, and preparing for the winter, fundraisers from all over the Jewish world flocked to TCF this November, producing a tremendous Kiddush Ha-Shem and raising millions of dollars for organizations and private causes.  As always, campaigns opened for everything from feeding and clothing the poor to furthering Jewish education, providing for families in crises to dedicating sifrei torah, and everything in between.

Below is a small selection of  the successful causes that were run this month on TCF.  We’d like to give a big yasher koach to these fundraisers, for placing  their trust in our platform and for truly actualizing what we have to offer.

Our November spotlight starts off with an old TCF friend, Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore.  This time around, their elegantly designed “The Leaders Among Us” page, together with dedicated efforts from each grade of students, helped to bring in well over $1 million. They’ve ensured themselves, and the world, that k’lal yisroel will have no shortage of girls who’ve received an authentic Torah education, and who are fit to be true leaders.  Great job! 

The Chesed Fund team actually visited the campaign’s call center to support their efforts and learn more about our fundraiser’s needs and processes. This will allow us to continue to innovate with the best crowdfunding solutions for Jewish organizations.


The Jewish world is unfortunately no stranger to mental health issues.  But like all difficulties Ha-Shem sends into our world, this one has inspired the best of us to rise up. As they have for years, Nesivos of Lakewood continues to provide the full range of services needed in this area.  This year’s fundraiser brought in nearly $200k, which will be used to bring hope and healing to those most in need.

For over 12 years, the Bellaire Jewish Center has been working to put Houston on the map of American hotspots of Jewish growth.  They pride themselves as being a secure resource for Houston’s Jewish community to connect emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Led by Rabbi Gavriel Jacknin, and backed by a long-list of generous matchers, this year’s campaign managed to bring in more than a quarter of $1 million.  Don’t mess with Texas!

We don’t like to play favorites here at TCF, but some campaign pages are simply a pleasure to look at, and some fundraisers are even more of a pleasure to work with.  One such instance is the “Thanks For Giving” campaign from MTA, Mizrahi Torah Academy of Florida, with which they celebrated a record number of enrolled students.  A dedicated team, bright colors, teams, sub-teams, and a creative list of pre-set donation buttons, all came together to raise $200k for this one-of-a-kind school.  Go team!

Acharon Acharon Choviv.  TCF serves no greater purpose than to help the members of a community be there for each other. “Help The Varshever Family Recover” was one such effort, with nearly 20 teams and well over 1000 donors, giving their support and encouragement to the Varshevers, and raising over $200k, after the sudden passing of a truly beloved husband, son, and father, R’ Yanky Varshever. Yehi Zichro Boruch.