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A Message From The Chesed Fund
Klal Yisroel is facing a crisis. Maybe the worst crisis in the last half century. Right now there are dozens of Almonos, Hundreds of yesomim, and families completely broken apart by this illness.
The costs of funerals, mounting bills, basic immediate needs, and Im yirtze Hashem the costs of future simchas seems insurmountable and now weighs on these families. Now in their time of grief when they just lost a husband, father, brother, can we let them collapse? Can we let this happen?
The Chesed Fund has helped dozens of funds raise money the victims of this terrible Coronavirus. The funds are free for the families in need as they always are.
Let’s stand together and stand behind them and let them know they are not alone.
Avi Kehat
Founder, The Chesed Fund
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